15 July 2018

Updated vNugglets.VDNetworking PowerShell module

Updated vNugglets PowerShell Module!Hurray -- the vNugglets.VDNetworking PowerShell module is now updated (with updates available on the PowerShellGallery)! This module has cmdlets for helping manage your VMware virtual distributed networking infrastructure, like reporting on and configuring traffic filtering/marking configurations. The ChangeLog has all of the juicy details, but the big news with this update:

The Set-VNVMHostNetworkAdapterVDUplink cmdlet provides the ability to manage the VDSwitch Uplink for a VMHost physical NIC ("VMNIC") on the VDSwitch of which the VMNIC is already a part -- finally! (this is not yet available in a native cmdlet in PowerCLI, but I'm sure that VMware has it on their list).

The copious examples show all kinds of ways to use this module.  Grab the module from the PowerShellGallery with the standard
Find-Module vNugglets.VDNetworking | Install-Module
that we all know and love (or, use Update-Module instead of Install-Module to update a previously installed version to current, of course).


Updated DRSRule PowerShell module, now on PSGallery!

A quick blurb on the DRSRule PowerShell module for managing VMware DRS rules via PowerShell/PowerCLI: the module is updated with several bugfixes and enhancements.

Possibly as exciting of news: the module is now available on the official PowerShellGallery, so it is a snap to install/update the module on your machine!

As with any module on the PowerShellGallery, you save the module with the Save-Module cmdlet (so that you can inspect the code and ensure that things are good -- security first!).  And, you install the module with the Install-Module cmdlet.

The straightforward and memorable instructions for saving- and/or installation of a module are available by default on each module's Gallery page. For this module, see https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/DRSRule.
