29 December 2013

Get VM Disks and RDMs via PowerCLI

Need to get info about a VM's hard disks?  Like, "regular" virtual disks and RDMs, in a handy and fast manner?  We need to, occasionally, and so wrote a function to do so (a while ago -- just finally posting it).  It gets things like the hard disk name, the SCSI ID, the storage device display name, the disk size, the SCSI canonical name, and [optionally] the full datastore path for the disk files.  Here again, not the first bit of code around to retrieve such things, but a version that is written to do things most quickly.

The script:
<# .Description
    Function to get a VM's hard disk and RDM info
    Originally from Sep 2011, updated Dec 2013 -- vNugglets.com
    Get-VMDiskAndRDM -vmName someVM -ShowVMDKDatastorePath | ft -a
    VMName HardDiskName ScsiId DeviceDisplayName SizeGB ScsiCanonicalName                    VMDKDStorePath
    ------ ------------ ------ ----------------- ------ -----------------                    --------------
    someVM Hard disk 1  0:0                          50                                      [dstore0] someVM/someVM.vmdk
    someVM Hard disk 2  1:0    someVM-/log_dir       20 naa.60000945618415615641111111111111 [dstore0] someVM/someVM_1.vmdk
    Get the disks (including RDMs) for "someVM", and include the datastore path for each VMDK
function Get-VMDiskAndRDM {
        ## name pattern of the VM guest for which to get info
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$vmName_str = "myVM",
        ## switch to specify that VMDK's datastore path should also be returned

    ## the cool, FaF way (using .NET View objects)
    ## get the VM object(s)
    $arrVMViewsForStorageInfo = Get-View -Viewtype VirtualMachine -Property Name, Config.Hardware.Device, Runtime.Host -Filter @{"Name" = "$vmName_str"}
    if (($arrVMViewsForStorageInfo | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) {Write-Warning "No VirtualMachine objects found matching name pattern '$vmName_str'"; exit} ## end if

    $arrVMViewsForStorageInfo | %{
        $viewVMForStorageInfo = $_
        ## get the view of the host on which the VM currently resides
        $viewHostWithStorage = Get-View -Id $viewVMForStorageInfo.Runtime.Host -Property Config.StorageDevice.ScsiLun

        $viewVMForStorageInfo.Config.Hardware.Device | ?{$_ -is [VMware.Vim.VirtualDisk]} | %{
            $hdThisDisk = $_
            $oScsiLun = $viewHostWithStorage.Config.StorageDevice.ScsiLun | ?{$_.UUID -eq $hdThisDisk.Backing.LunUuid}
            ## the properties to return in new object
            $hshThisVMProperties = @{
                VMName = $viewVMForStorageInfo.Name
                ## the disk's "name", like "Hard disk 1"
                HardDiskName = $hdThisDisk.DeviceInfo.Label
                ## get device's SCSI controller and Unit numbers (1:0, 1:3, etc)
                ScsiId = &{$strControllerKey = $_.ControllerKey.ToString(); "{0}`:{1}" -f $strControllerKey[$strControllerKey.Length - 1], $_.Unitnumber}
                DeviceDisplayName = $oScsiLun.DisplayName
                SizeGB = [Math]::Round($_.CapacityInKB / 1MB, 0)
                ScsiCanonicalName = $oScsiLun.CanonicalName
            } ## end hsh
            ## the array of items to select for output
            $arrPropertiesToSelect = "VMName,HardDiskName,ScsiId,DeviceDisplayName,SizeGB,ScsiCanonicalName".Split(",")
            ## add property for VMDKDStorePath if desired
            if ($ShowVMDKDatastorePath_sw -eq $true) {$hshThisVMProperties["VMDKDStorePath"] = $hdThisDisk.Backing.Filename; $arrPropertiesToSelect += "VMDKDStorePath"}
            New-Object -Type PSObject -Property $hshThisVMProperties | Select $arrPropertiesToSelect
        } ## end foreach-object
    } ## end foreach-object
} ## end function

Some example usage:
PS vN:\> Get-VMDiskAndRDM -vmName myVM01 -ShowVMDKDatastorePath | ft -a

VMName HardDiskName ScsiId DeviceDisplayName SizeGB ScsiCanonicalName                    VMDKDStorePath
------ ------------ ------ ----------------- ------ -----------------                    --------------
myVM01 Hard disk 1  0:0                          50                                      [dstore0] myVM01/myVM01.vmdk
myVM01 Hard disk 2  1:0    myVM01-/data001      660 naa.60000946665554443331111111111111 [dstore0] myVM01/myVM01_1.vmdk

The disks with no values for the DeviceDisplayName or ScsiCanonicalName properties are the "regular" virtual disks, and the others are RDMs.  And, this VM has hard disks on two separate SCSI controllers.

Note:  the vmName parameter is used as a regular expression when getting the .NET View object of the given VM.  As such, one can use a pattern, and can get info on multiple VMs that share the same name pattern.

And, that is that:  some juicy disk/RDM info for VMs, and on the quick!  Thanks, Get-View, for keeping things FaF!  Enjoy

BTW:  related post, Get VM by RDM with PowerCLI:  how to get the VM that is using a particular SAN storage device as an RDM.

24 December 2013

Get VM By RDM with PowerCLI

Sometimes one needs to find a VM by RDM.  This is not a new thought, and there are plenty of spots on the internet that give ways to achieve this.  When this need arose for us a couple of years ago, we found no spot that gave a way to achieve this quickly.  So, with vNugglets' focus on speed, I put together a function to do just that:  quickly find the VM that is using a given SAN device as an RDM.

Then, just recently, a VMware Communities forum post made me realize that we had not yet shared this function with the world.  So, here we go:
<#    .Description
    Function to find what VM (if any) is using a LUN as an RDM, based on the LUN's SCSI canonical name. Assumes that the best practice of all hosts in a cluster seeing the same LUNs is followed.
    vNugglets, originally from Nov 2011
    Get-VMWithGivenRDM -CanonicalName naa.60000970000192602222333031314444 -Cluster myCluster0 | ft -a
    Find a VM using the given LUN as an RDM, formatting output in auto-sized table.  Output would be something like:
    VMName            VMDiskName     DeviceDisplayName   CanonicalName
    ------            ----------     -----------------   -------------
    myvm033.dom.com   Hard disk 10   myvm033-data3FS     naa.60000970000192602222333031314444
    Zero or more PSObjects with info about the VM and its RDM
function Get-VMWithGivenRDM {
        ## Canonical name of the LUN in question
        ## Cluster whose hosts see this LUN
    ) ## end param

    ## get the View object of the cluster in question
    $viewCluster = Get-View -ViewType ClusterComputeResource -Property Name -Filter @{"Name" = "^$([RegEx]::escape($ClusterName_str))$"}
    ## get the View of a host in the given cluster (presumably all hosts in the cluster see the same storage)
    $viewHostInGivenCluster = Get-View -ViewType HostSystem -Property Name -SearchRoot $viewCluster.MoRef | Get-Random
    ## get the Config.StorageDevice.ScsiLun property of the host (retrieved _after_ getting the View object for speed, as this property is only retrieved for this object, not all hosts' View objects)

    ## if matching device(s) found, store some info for later use
    $arrMatchingDisk = &{
    ## get the View objects for all VMs in the given cluster
    Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Property Name, Config.Hardware.Device -SearchRoot $viewCluster.MoRef | %{$viewThisVM = $_
        ## for all of the RDM devices on this VM, see if the canonical name matches the canonical name in question
        $viewThisVM.Config.Hardware.Device | ?{($_ -is [VMware.Vim.VirtualDisk]) -and ("physicalMode","virtualMode" -contains $_.Backing.CompatibilityMode)} | %{
            $hdThisDisk = $_
            $lunScsiLunOfThisDisk = $viewHostInGivenCluster.Config.StorageDevice.ScsiLun | ?{$_.UUID -eq $hdThisDisk.Backing.LunUuid}
            ## if the canonical names match, create a new PSObject with some info about the VirtualDisk and the VM using it
            if ($CanonicalNameOfRDMToFind_arr -contains $lunScsiLunOfThisDisk.CanonicalName) {
                New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    VMName = $viewThisVM.Name
                    VMDiskName = $hdThisDisk.DeviceInfo.Label
                    CanonicalName = $lunScsiLunOfThisDisk.CanonicalName
                    DeviceDisplayName = $lunScsiLunOfThisDisk.DisplayName
                } ## end new-object
            } ## end if
        } ## end foreach-object
    } ## end foreach-object
    } ## end scriptblock

    ## if a matching device was found, output its info
    if ($arrMatchingDisk) {$arrMatchingDisk | Select VMName, VMDiskName, DeviceDisplayName, CanonicalName}
    ## else, say so
    else {Write-Verbose -Verbose "Booo. No matching disk device with canonical name in '$CanonicalNameOfRDMToFind_arr' found attached to a VM as an RDM in cluster '$ClusterName_str'"}
} ## end fn
Some example usage:
PS vN:\> Get-VMWithGivenRDM -CanonicalName naa.60000123412342602222333031314444 -Cluster myMegaCluster

VMName            VMDiskName     DeviceDisplayName   CanonicalName
------            ----------     -----------------   -------------
myvm002.dom.com   Hard disk 13   myvm002-dataFS_7    naa.60000123412342602222333031314444

The point of having a Cluster param is to focus the scope of the search (one generally knows to what set of hosts a particular LUN has been presented).

And, some thoughts on how to make this function even better:
  • take cluster input from pipeline
  • add ability to check entire vCenter inventory, but keep things fast by first narrowing scope to only the VMHosts that see given device, then check those hosts' clusters for a VM with RDM using said device (removes need for "Cluster" param)
  • maybe:  add other info to output object, if there are other things that would be useful/valuable
So, how does this do -- FaF for you, too?  Yeah, just as we thought!